
Monday, May 16, 2011

To Gracie From Mommy

My Teeny Tiny Peanut,
I remember the first time I learned that we were expecting a baby girl. I was honestly a little shaken because I only had experience with boys. I wondered how different things would be when you came along. I have to tell you that as I look back on the past two years I see that God knew EXACTLY what He was doing… especially now that you are sandwiched between two brothers. I thank God every day that I have the privilege of raising a little girl and experiencing everything that goes along with that. I love the softness that you bring to our rough and tumble set. I love your sweet tiny voice. I love your sense of style. You are smart and beautiful and sassy. You are a little crazy… a little bit “devil may care”. You give great hugs and big smiles. You are thrilled to be involved in everything that is going on around you and you are also fiercely independent. I so look forward to knowing the adult that you grow into. I love the relationship that we have now and the special place you hold in my heart as my one and only little girl. I pray that we are close forever and ever.
I feel like your “baby years” have just flown by. Perhaps it is because you were such an easy baby. Seriously, you were a breeze (compared to BOTH of your brothers). You just eased yourself right into our little family without much struggle. We were too busy just relaxing, loving on you, and getting to know you to realize that you were growing up right before our eyes. Maybe the time flew because Noah came along so quickly after you were born. You were still a bambino yourself when we brought our new guy home. It makes me a little sad that you had to stop being the baby so soon, but I couldn’t be more proud of you for how easily you’ve taken to your new role. You are such a great BIG sister and a great LITTLE sister. Remember to always keep your brothers close. They will treasure you and look out for you if you let them.
Gracie Girl, I want you to always remember just how special you are. Lately, you are so excited to play dress up and princess. You put on your party gowns, high heels, jewels and crowns and you waltz around here like you own the place. I pray that you have that same confident spirit when you venture out into the world on your own. I want you to realize that your worth, to us and to Jesus, is far more than jewels (pretend ones AND real ones). I pray that you continue to be the joyful person that we’ve come to know and love, and that you learn at an early age to delight in the Lord! You truly are a princess… the King of the Universe calls you his daughter. Never forget who you are, sweet girl. I love you BIG like the sky!
Love, Mommy 

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